Facts About Repossession And How Bankruptcy Might Help
When you face repossession of your home or your car, you may need to declare bankruptcy to save them. If creditors have a valid lien or...
Bankruptcy Fundamentals
Bankruptcies can be called “reorganizations” or ‘liquidations”, depending on which type of bankruptcy you decide to do. Both a “Chapter...
The Ins and Outs of Bank Foreclosures
The term foreclosure is one which may seem ominous to many individuals, especially if they have never experienced one and/or are...
Bankruptcy: What Landlords And Tenants Need To Know
There are technically six types of bankruptcy proceedings, Chapters 7,9,11,12,13 and 15 but only three that you are likely to have...
Stop Creditors In Their Tracks With Bankruptcy
Nobody likes to get phone calls from collection agencies. Despite laws intended to protect consumers from harassment, most collection...
What Is A Bank Foreclosure And What To Do About It?
Banks are in lending money business and not in real estate business and the last thing they want is to end up owning another piece of...